
Concentrix is a global player in Customer Relationship Management and Business Process Outsourcing (“CRM–BPO”), specialized in designing, building and running next-generation customer experience solutions.

The company offers a wide array of services and digital capabilities, spanning strategy, design, digital engineering, artificial intelligence, automation and advanced data analytics. Concentrix has an extensive footprint, operating in over 70 countries with a team of over 400,000 employees. 

The transformative combination of Concentrix and Webhelp closed in September 2023. The newly-formed group has a well-balanced geographical footprint, a high-quality, diversified client base and a strong portfolio of client solutions.

Portfolio value 12/31/2024
Investment case

Concentrix operates in an attractive industry, with:

  • Long-term growth in customer engagement, driven by a combination of:
    • volume growth from the digitalization of the economy as well as the ongoing development of e-commerce and digital services
    • increased outsourcing penetration due to technology and scale requirements as well as increasing complexity of the service (e.g., multichannel)
  • High fragmentation providing scope for further consolidation for international leaders
  • Developments in AI that can (i) differentiate Concentrix’s client offering and lead to new use cases, (ii) enable efficiency gains and (iii) create a higher quality of service

Concentrix is a global leader with a comprehensive product offering and affirmed strategy:

  • Solid track record of 40+ years with demonstrated profitable growth resulting in the creation of a global champion
  • Well-balanced revenue mix between the Americas, Europe and Asia Pacific, with a strong operational footprint in these regions
  • Leading position supported by a high-quality and well-diversified portfolio of client relationships, a strong and differentiated delivery platform and best-in-class capabilities and expertise (e.g., analytics, consulting)
  • Multiple growth opportunities for existing businesses as well as new services in a still largely-fragmented market
  • Board of Directors 2/10*